Naming convention for NGS CORS photos

E. Station Metadata
E.1. Digital Photographs
    A set of sharply focused digital photographs, at least 300 dpi at 5 in. x 7 in. are required to evaluate and document a station.

When taking photographs, please remember that their purpose is to give a clear view of the equipment being used,
how it is assembled, as well as the space around it for someone who has not visited the station.
Photographs must be named as described below. 

The date specification must correspond to when the photograph was taken. If you are unsure please use the letter x as necessary,
e.g. 201206xx or 2012xxxx. The convention to use for azimuth direction is 000 - north, 090 - east, etc. Jpeg format is preferred. 
In the file name omit the [] which indicate a variable:
ssss is the 4-alphanumeric station id, yyyymmdd is the 4-digit year, 2-digit month and 2-digit day that the photograph was taken.

The photographs must include:
        [ssss]_monu_[yyyymmdd].jpg - A photograph showing the monument (pillar/braced/building) and antenna. 
                                     The ground surface of the building or monument and antenna must be visible.
        [ssss]_mark_[yyyymmdd].jpg - A photograph showing the mark. If no unique mark exists then a photograph of the threaded
                                     section of the mount, either laterally or from above the monument should be taken.
                                     If the station has been collecting data then DO NOT REMOVE the antenna and instead 
                                     ignore this photograph.
        [ssss]_ant_monu_[yyyymmdd].jpg - A close-up photograph that shows how the antenna is attached to the monument.

Four oriented photographs taken at the height of ARP surface the antenna should be included in the photograph,
but it should not significantly block the ability to view what lies behind the antenna, stand about 3-5m away.
If you cannot take a photograph including the antenna place the camera directly at the top center of the antenna,
and point the camera in the required direction:
        [ssss]_ant_000_[yyyymmdd].jpg   North   (000)
        [ssss]_ant_090_[yyyymmdd].jpg   East    (090)
        [ssss]_ant_180_[yyyymmdd].jpg   South   (180)
        [ssss]_ant_270_[yyyymmdd].jpg   West    (270)
        (If photographs from additional directions are useful please use the appropriate azimuth in the file name.

        [ssss]_ant_sn_[yyyymmdd].jpg - A close-up photograph of the antenna showing its model and serial number.
        [ssss]_rec_sn_[yyyymmdd].jpg - A close-up photograph of the receiver showing its model and serial number.
        [ssss]_rec_[yyyymmdd].jpg - A photograph of the receiver location.
If the antenna is on a roof, you must include the following:
        [ssss]_ant_bldg_[yyyymmdd].jpg - A photograph showing clearly how the antenna is attached to the building.
        [ssss]_ant_roof_[yyyymmdd].jpg - A photograph showing the antenna and the roof surface.

These photographs must be updated if the equipment changes or changes occur in the physical space around the antenna. 
National Geodetic Survey - CORS Team
Modified March 1, 2013