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99/05/10 DEFECT IN PROGRAM dmjd
SYMPTOM: When converting from decimal MJD to calendar date, if the
decimal day is very close to 1, the date returned is off by
one day.
PROBLEM: Previously, dmjd was required to round the time to the nearest
second. Inadvertently, this created a logic defect wherein,
if the time were closer to the end of the day than the roundoff
value, i.e. the decimal time was effectively 1.0, the time was
set to zero but the "one" day was not added to the date.
CORRECTION: dmjd.c: trap and correctly modify decimal times near 1.0.
FOUND BY: Neil Weston 99/05/10
FIXED BY: Steve Hilla 99/05/10
VERSION: 9905.10
SOURCE: /g1/HPUX.10/Src/Dmjd
EXECUTABLE: /ngslib/hpux/bin
June 25, 1999
Steve Hilla