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A basic pages.inp file contains three sections:
0 3 noneThe number on the first line controls which major program functions will be performed. pages actions can be divided into three distinct parts:
The second line controls the observable (frequency) to be used. A one, "1" produces an L1-only solution, two, "2", an L2-only, three, "3", an ionosphere-free combination, four "4", an standard wide-lane combination, five "5", an 5*L1 - 4*L2, a non-standard, wide-lane combination solution. Multiple observable type solutions can be done within the same pages run. Simply append the designations for additional observables on this line, separated by on or more spaces. Post-fit RMS's for all requested observable types will be reported, but be aware that the satellite-by-baseline and other statistics reported will be for the the first observable type listed. In other words, it may be more useful to request "3 4" because the program will report all ion-free statics and the wide-lane RMS rather than "4 3" which reports all wide-lane statics but only the ion-free RMS.
The third line is the name of the output, adjusted ephemeris. If a valid file name is given and satellite or Earth orientation parameters are estimated, an adjusted ephemeris will be created. If the word "none" is give or no satellite or Earth orientation parameters are estimated, no output ephemeris will be made.
Note that in the example, a complete, ionospher-free solution will be done with no adjusted ephemeris generated.
Y = yes do estimate this parameter, N = no, do not estimate this parameter, and C = continue the previous state.
94 01 05 00 00 0.000 94 01 05 23 45 0.000 26 01 N N N N 02 N N N N 03 N N N N 04 N N N N 05 N N N N 07 N N N N 09 N N N N 12 N N N N 13 N N N N 14 N N N N 15 N N N N 16 N N N N 17 N N N N 18 N N N N 19 N N N N 20 N N N N 21 N N N N 22 N N N N 23 N N N N 24 N N N N 25 N N N N 26 N N N N 27 N N N N 28 N N N N 29 N N N N 31 N N N N 2 brmu Y Y Y N gode Y Y Y NAn estimation section begins with the start and stop times for which the following instructions apply. The start and stop times appear on separate lines and can be in the following formats:
The satellites list and control parameters follow. The first line is the number of satellites. Each subsequent line contains: the satellite PRN ID number and flags controling the estimation of position and velocity, the radiation pressure scale factor, the Y-bias scale factor, and a flag reserved for future use.
Next are the site control flags. As with the satellite controls, the first line is simply the number of sites to be included. Similar to the satellites, the subsequent lines contain: the alphanumeric site ID, double-differencing, the site's position, the tropospheric correction, and site's velocity.
Some explanation of the site flags is warrented.
The site ID must exactly match that used in the database.
The double-difference flag is effectively reserved for future program developement and must always be "Y".
The tropo correction flag has additional valid values
P = output values a meters of precipitable water vapor, T = output the total, "dry" (hydrostatic) plus "wet" zenith tropo, W = output the "wet" tropo component only.
94 01 05 00 00 0.000 94 01 05 23 45 0.000 ./acab01 none 26 01 02 03 04 05 07 09 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 1 08 31 1994 01 05 00 00 .00 1994 01 05 00 26 30.00 19 1994 01 05 00 26 30.00 1994 01 05 03 40 .00 07 1994 01 05 03 40 .00 1994 01 05 08 34 .00 16 1994 01 05 08 34 .00 1994 01 05 10 54 30.00 26 1994 01 05 10 54 30.00 1994 01 05 13 40 30.00 23 1994 01 05 13 40 30.00 1994 01 05 17 26 .00 25 1994 01 05 17 26 .00 1994 01 05 19 51 .00 22 1994 01 05 19 51 .00 1994 01 05 23 45 .00 02 brmu Y godeA database control section begins with the start and stop times over which the databases are applicable. The start and stop times appear on separate lines and can entered the same formats described in the estimation control section.
The database ID follows.
The third line contains the integer file name. "None" is a valid value for this entry specifying that no integer file will be used. If a integer file is given, the integer phase ambiguities given in the file are used and no phase ambiguities are estimated for those baseline-satellite combinations.
The next line lists the total number and PRN numbers of those satellites in this database to be used in the solution. This list may be a subset of all satellites contained in the database and any satellite not listed will not be included in the solution. Satellites listed here but not included in the pertinent estimation control selection section are excluded.
The reference satellite scenario for this database follows. The first line is the total number of reference satellite time segments. Each subsequent line lists the reference satellite PRN number and the start and stop time to use that satellite as a reference for double-differencing. Note that gaps in time between reference satellites are allowed. If no reference satellite is specified for any time span, data in that time span are ignored. The reference satellite scenarios are therefore a convenient means to eliminate blocks of unwanted observations.
Finally, the number and ID's of sites in the database to be used in the solution are listed. One site must be identified as the reference by a trailing "Y" the appropriate line. This list may be a subset of all sites contained in the database. Any sites not listed will be excluded from the solution. Stations listed here but not included in the pertinent estimation control section are excluded.
If surface met RINEX files are to be used, each site's met file should be appended to the site ID line mentioned above.
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