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A description of the directory structure required by run_tdsolve.

run_tdsolve expects a specific directory structure, or tree. Although the general structure is fixed, the name of the base of that tree is input by the user via the command line; therefore the base of the processing tree can originate anywhere. The directory or directories where the actual processing will occur are named yr_doy, where yr is the two digit year when the data were taken and, separated by an underscore, doy is the three digit day-of-year. The files directory stores files common to all processing for this project. This directory structure has proven to be self-descriptive, simplify archiving, and help prevent contamination of one project's processing with another's. The figure below shows the structure of this tree:
             yr_dy1    yr_dy2    yr_dy3           files
             ------    ------    ------           -----
                 \          \       |              /
                  \ _________\______|_____________/
where yr_dy1 , yr_dy2 and yr_dy3 are directories where processing of data from individual session (days, occupations, etc.) will occur. There may be one or may of these directories. files is a special subdirectory where files specific to these data are kept. The intent is to force the user to group related data processing together under a meaningfully named directory. For example, a user is working on two projects. One cosists of three occupations of sites around an airport. These would be grouped together under a directory call airport. The other project is a permanent occupation at a tide gauge. These would be grouped together under a subdirectory called t_g (see figure below). Note that each project has its own files directory.
  yr_dy1  yr_dy2  yr_dy3   files        yr_dy1  yr_dy2     yr_dyn    files
  ------  ------  ------   -----        ------  ------     ------    -----
    \_______\_______|________/              \______\__ ... __/_________/
           airport                                     t_g

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June 24, 1999
Steve Hilla