Recent Developments and Plans from the JPL Analysis Center S. Desai (JPL), W. Bertiger (JPL), B. Haines (JPL), D. Kuang (JPL), M. Miller (JPL), C. Lane (JPL), F. Webb (JPL), J. Weiss (JPL) Abstract: We present an overview of the recent developments in the processing of global GPS data at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory IGS Analysis Center. We also describe changes that we will implement before we begin to reprocess these data for our submission to the IGS reprocessing campaign. We detail the resulting improvements in accuracy of the primary products, namely the estimates of the precise GPS orbits and clocks, Earth orientation parameters, and zenith troposphere at the GPS sites, as well as the impact on various geodetic and orbit determination applications. We also provide details of the changes to the models and capabilities of the GIPSY-OASIS software system, particularly with regards to the new capabilities of the version 5.0 release of GIPSY.