************************************* Tying a Real-Time Network to the NSRS ************************************* OP may be used for tying coordinates of real-time network control stations to the NSRS. A more formal NGS NSRS validation process/service may be available in the future. The following is an outline of general 'best practices' for tying an RTN to the NSRS, mostly concatenated from current general guidelines outlined in Section V. of Henning et al (2013) `NGS Guidelines for Real Time GNSS Networks`_. .. _`NGS Guidelines for Real Time GNSS Networks`: https://geodesy.noaa.gov/PUBS_LIB/NGSGuidelinesForRealTimeGNSSNetworksV2.2.pdf .. include:: _appendixF1.rst .. include:: _appendixF2.rst .. include:: _appendixF3.rst .. include:: _appendixF4.rst .. include:: _appendixF5.rst .. include:: _appendixF6.rst .. include:: _appendixF7.rst .. include:: _appendixF8.rst .. include:: _appendixF9.rst