STEP 1: NGS Survey Proposal =========================== If you would like to submit your least squares-adjusted campaign-style GNSS project to NGS, an official Project Tracking ID will be required. This ID is issued by NGS upon successful review of a `Survey Project Proposal`_, as shown in :numref:`FigureQS-1.jpg`. We recommended you coordinate this with your `NGS Regional Geodetic Advisor`_. If you do not intend to submit your project to NGS, then skip this step. .. _`Survey Project Proposal`: .. _`NGS Regional Geodetic Advisor`: .. _FigureQS-1.jpg: .. figure:: ../images/FigureQS-1.jpg :width: 600 px :alt: NGS Survey Project Proposal Form NGS Survey Project Proposal Form The uploaded Network sketch should identify the project's network baseline design (the baselines from base stations to a rover (GVX) or those linking :term:`user marks` to :term:`Continuously Operating GNSS Reference Stations`). The design plays aa important role in both :term:`session processing` and network adjustment in OP. Please refer to Section 11 of the manual for further information. ------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2