STEP 4: Load Static GNSS Observation Files ========================================== Load static GNSS observation files through the `OPUS upload portal`_, as shown in :numref:`FigureQS-4.jpg`. If your project contains GVX files and you plan to submit your project to NGS, ensure that you upload :term:`Non-NCN CORS` data files, such as static GNSS observation files from RTK/RTN Base or Reference Stations, from the days of your RTK/RTN survey following the static observation requirements. .. _`OPUS upload portal`: .. _FigureQS-4.jpg: .. figure:: ../images/FigureQS-4.jpg :width: 400 px :alt: OPUS GNSS data file upload page OPUS GNSS data file upload page ------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2