STEP 6: Selecting CORSs ======================= Choose the most suitable CORS to serve as controls for session :term:`baseline processing` and network adjustments. To add CORS and IGS Stations to the project, click on the "Add/Del CORS" button on the Managers Page, which will open a pop-up window, as shown in :numref:`FigureQS-6.jpg`. It is recommended to select between 4 to 8 stations, which should include at least one station located within 200 km of the observed user marks to function as a session baseline processing ":term:`hub` station". To model tropospheric delay, it is advisable to add a remote station at a distance of 375 to 800 km. Please refer to Section 8 for a comprehensive, step by step guide. .. _FigureQS-6.jpg: .. figure:: ../images/FigureQS-6.jpg :width: 600 px :alt: Add/Delete CORS pop-up window Add/Delete CORS pop-up window ------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2