STEP 8: Mark Descriptions ========================= If submitting the project to NGS, upload `WinDesc`_ Description Files for all user marks (not CORSs) to OP. A WinDesc tutorial is provided in Appendix A, which contains instructions on including Non-NCN CORS stations. If photos are already available, load them via the "Upload A Photo" button on the individual mark pages as shown in :numref:`FigureQS-8a.jpg`. GNSS Observation Field Logs can be uploaded from the Managers Page when they are available, as shown in :numref:`FigureQS-8b.jpg`. If you do not intend to submit your project to NGS, you can skip this step. .. _`WinDesc`: .. _FigureQS-8a.jpg: .. figure:: ../images/FigureQS-8a.jpg :width: 400 px :alt: Upload a photo button on the user mark page Upload a photo button on the user mark page .. _FigureQS-8b.jpg: .. figure:: ../images/FigureQS-8b.jpg :width: 400 px :alt: Location of upload descriptions and field log buttons on the OP Manager's Page Location of upload descriptions and field log buttons on the OP Manager's Page ------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2