Verifying Constraints Prior to an Adjustment ============================================ Prior to running network adjustments, it is important to verify that the intended constraints are indeed offered as constraints in the adjustment. Additional scrutiny of the orthometric heights is recommended to ensure that the expected heights are being offered. .. caution:: OP will only offer as constraints marks with published coordinates. If the user has altered the coordinates on a published mark (e.g. "Manage Coordinates" in the Individual Mark Page), OP will not offer it as a constraint. .. caution:: In particular cases which must be detailed in the Project Proposal, a user may constrain vertically to a leveled height not yet published by selecting "LEVELING NOT PUBLISHED". The height tag will no longer read the published vertical datum (e.g. "NAVD 88"). If you are submitting your project to NGS, prior approval of this option is required. ------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2