Results of an Unsuccessful Load =============================== If OPUS aborts processing the data file for any reason (an example is shown in :numref:`Figure6-5.jpg`) and does not generate a solution report, the data file will not be uploaded to the project. .. _Figure6-5.jpg: .. figure:: ../images/Figure6-5.jpg :width: 600 px :alt: Rejection of an upload to OPUS providing an explanation of probably cause Rejection of an upload to OPUS providing an explanation of probably cause There are a number of reasons an observation file may be rejected. The most common are listed below: 1. File is in an unrecognized file format that OPUS is unable to convert internally to RINEX (user needs to convert to RINEX first) 2. No baseline solutions to the CORS could be generated (typically a problem if not enough/good GNSS data was made available in the uploaded observation file) 3. Zeros as the estimated (:term:`a priori`) coordinates (RINEX header) 4. Multiple coordinates in the RINEX header, indicative that the antenna was moved to another location) 5. Maximum duration exceeded (more than one 24h - 0h UTC time crossing) ------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2