****************************** Loading GNSS Observation Files ****************************** Now that your project is created, parameters set, and files correctly named, you can begin uploading the observation files to the project through the main OPUS home page (https://geodesy.noaa.gov/OPUS/). Note that OPUS currently accepts only static observations (e.g. ≥ 2 hrs RINEX file) and GVX files (see Section 9). .. tip:: Section 5.1 covers helpful tips for naming RINEX files so project marks and OP data files are consistent .. tip:: When uploading data ensure you are using the correct Project ID and Keywords. Having ready access to the field logs ensures the correct antenna type and height are entered correctly. We can not stress enough about naming your GNSS observations files correctly with meaningful 4-char IDs. Also please ensure that your profile is disabled or updated with your current project. ------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 section6.1 section6.2 section6.3 section6.4