Viewing the Contents of the Uploaded GVX Files ============================================== .. tip:: Section 7.4 covers GVX specific web pages and their content in more detail Once your GVX file(s) have been successfully uploaded and displayed on the Managers Page map, you have two additional GVX specific web pages, GVX File Summary and GVX Baseline Summary Pages, that allow you to view the contents and metadata associated with your uploaded GVX files. The GVX File Summary Page allows you to view the contents of each individually uploaded GVX file via a map and a metadata table (see Section 7.4.2 for additional information). The GVX Baseline Summary Page displays the selected baseline information including all repeat vectors (or measurements) of the baseline. The map and metadata table will only display the information for the selected baseline. In addition, if you scroll further down the page, you will see scatter plots depicting the precision of the repeat measurements (see Section 7.4.3 for additional information). ------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2