PC Software Download - ADJUST AND UTILITIES |
Nov 29, 2022
NGS "Bluebooking" process for GPS projects
The Adjust & Utilities program suite for GPS projects has been released to production.
An update was required to provide new transformation parameters due to the release of the IGS20 geodetic reference frame by the International GNSS Service (IGS). Additionally, updates were required to support the upcoming release of OPUS-Projects 5 which supports real-time kinematic (RTK) data.
This version of Adjust should be used to submit all GPS projects to NGS; projects submitted using previous versions will no longer be accepted after 30 days of this notice.
Latest update
[2022 Nov 29] Adjust_all.zip updated
[2020 May 14] Adjust v6.4.3
[2022 Nov 29] Obschk v3.9
[2020 Feb 05] Chkobs v3.9
[2018 Feb 21] Obsdes v2.7
[2018 Oct 23] F-test
[2020 May 18] adjust_supplemental.txt
[2018 Oct 30] Constrained Adjustment Guidelines
A Suite of programs compiled for a Win32 platform, used in conjunction with NGS program ADJUST.
NGS Data Submission Policy

ADJUST_ALL [2022 Nov 29]
Download a zip file with all PC executables, support files and documentation. Does not contain source code files.
adjust_all.zip contains the Adjust suite of programs for the PC.

Performs least squares adjustment on horizontal,
vertical angle, and GPS observations.

Checks a horizontal (Vol 1) bluebook observation dataset
for correct structure and syntax. Also checks the network and local accuracies.
Now with optional prompts.
Supercedes program newchkobs.

Checks the integrity of the B-file (Horiz bluebook) and G-file.  
Obschk is not a complete checking program. 
Program chkobs performs additional syntax and structure checks
on the B-file and should be run prior to obschk.

compares a horizontal Blue Book Description data set
with its respective Blue Book Observation data set.
OBSDES produces a list of error messages along with the description
data set record and observation data set information.

used to identify geodetic stations which are
common to two data sets with respect to name or a given
position tolerance.

is used to find differences among redundant vectors
in a G-file. It requires a horizontal bluebook with *80*
position data records.

extracts data from Horizontal Blue Book file with GPS observations to create a station serial number file (serfil). A serfil is required for program COMPGB

finds the difference in position, ellipsoid and orthometric
heights for the same station as reported in two horizontal
files with *80* and *86* records.

Creates a bfile which combines the bfile output from
the constrained horizontal adjustment with the bfile output from
the constrained vertical adjustment. This new bfile contains
*80* records with adjusted positions from the horizontal and
*86* records with the ellipsoidal heights from the horizontal
adjustment and the orthometric heights and geoid heights
from the vertical adjustment.

which adds *86* records to the bfile. If the existing
*80* records contain orthometric heights, these are added to
the new *86* records.

reads ADJUST output file and writes residual
components, baseline length, SSNs and designations to an output
file in tabular format.

F statistical hypothesis test, a statistical test which helps determine if the variance from a fully constrained adjustment is significantly different from the variance of a minimally constrained adjustment.

For more information contact NGS Information
Email: ngs.infocenter@noaa.gov or
Call: 301-713-3242 (M-F, 7:00 am - 4:30 pm EST)
http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/PC_PROD/ADJUST/index.shtml |
Last Modified:
Nov 29, 2022 |