Polynomial interpolation of GPS satellite coordinates -- by Milan Horemuz, and Johan Vium Andersson

The technical paper which describes this code is published in  
GPS Solutions, Volume 10, Number 1, February 2006, pages 67-72, "Polynomial interpolation of GPS satellite coordinates"  
by M. Horemuz, Division of Geodesy, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.  
J.V. Andersson, Department of Infrastructure, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.  
Abstract: This article describes an algorithm for polynomial interpolation of GPS satellite coordinates and its implementation in MATLAB. The algorithm is intended for realtime processing software and computes the position and velocity of GPS satellites from both broadcast and precise ephemerides. Tests with different orders of polynomials, and with different time spans used for polynomial fitting, show suitable settings with respect to the required interploation precision.  
Note: There are numerous MATLAB m-files included in this software package. Thus, the the authors have bundled all files and sample data in a *.zip file (KTHorb.zip). The Readme.txt file describes the directories created when the .zip file is unpacked. The file Matlab_implementation.doc (or Matlab_implementation.txt) describes some of the classes and methods included in the package for GPS satellite orbit interpolation.  

General information about the KTHorb.zip file (Readme.txt)

*.zip file containing all m-files and sample data (KTHorb.zip)

Microsoft Word file describing Classes and Methods (Matlab_implementation.doc)

ASCII text file describing Classes and Methods (Matlab_implementation.txt)

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