Annapolis, MD - usna

The tide gauges and GPS receiver are located at the U.S. Naval Academy's Hendrix Lab.

Estimated differences from a priori coordinates.

Tide Gauges

The tide gauge equipment is located in the Hendrix Lab.

Hendrix Lab is located at the USNA marina at the mouth of the Severn River.


The GPS equipment was installed in January 14, 1995 in the Hendrix Lab. The receiver is a ROGUE SNR-8000 (TURBOROGUE) and is connected to a PC for data transfer via modem.
A GPS Dorne Margolin T antenna is mounted on a 3.108 m cast iron mast connected to the steel antenna platform on the southeast side of the building.

The data are downloaded daily to NASA and NOAA. The raw and RINEX data files are accessible via anonymous ftp from the Geosciences Lab Data Center. The observations are dual frequency with a 30 second tracking interval and a 15° observation elevation cutoff.

NOAA would like to acknowledge the assistance of Doug Smith, Cmdr David Jones, and the USNA for help is establishing this GPS site.

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