5.3. Photos
For successful submission of the project to NGS, three (3) photos in *.jpg format must be uploaded for each user mark observed, examples are provided in Fig. 5.3 (photo can be uploaded on the individual mark pages):
a close-up of the mark clearly showing the disk stamping and logo;
an eye-level photo looking down at the mark;
a horizon photo showing the mark in the background.
If your project contains data from a Non-NCN CORS station and you are the owner or manager of the station, it is suggested that the following three (3) photos be uploaded in *.jpg format (examples are provided in Fig. 5.4):
a close-up of the antenna serial number;
an close-up of the receiver serial number;
a horizon photo of the station.

Fig. 5.3 Example Photos: Close-up, Eye-level and the Horizon

Fig. 5.4 Non-NCN CORS Example Photos: Close-up of the antenna serial number, Close-up of the receiver serial number, and the Horizon
For photo files to be uploaded correctly, they have to follow a strict naming convention. The photo file name is divided into four parts, each part separated by a dash (“-“):
The file name starts with the NGS six-character Permanent Identifier (PID) for the mark in question. If the PID is unknown (e.g. a new mark), then the file name will start with the second element, below:
The second element is the mark’s designation, with underscores taking the place of any spaces in the designation name.
The third element describes the type of photo (1, 2, or 3). Note that a #3 photo should also include the azimuth of the photo (e.g. 3NW).
The last element is the date the photo was taken (yyyymmdd)
The filenames for the three example photos in Figure 5.3 would be:
Other example filenames would be the following:
The three sample photos provided in Figure 5-3 show an optional caption. See the NGS Photo Submission Guidelines for more information. Additionally, the process of formatting and editing mark photos is briefly described in Appendix A using the WinDesc software utility.
Photos are required for passive marks, but they are not required for Non-NCN CORS/RTN base stations unless you own or manage the station.