4. Review and Edit Project Preferences
Before any data are uploaded into a project, open the project using the Project ID and Manager Keyword. Review the preferences to best leverage the capabilities of the software. If data are uploaded prior to modifying the preferences, the results may not be displayed correctly.

Fig. 4.1 Review and Edit Project Preferences
As shown in Fig. 4.1, click on the Preferences button to open your project preferences. A pop-up window will open (make sure your browser will accept pop-up windows). Across the top of the window, as is typical of all OP pop-up windows, there is a central action button (e.g. Save Changes and Close), a right-hand Cancel/Close button, a left-most Help button, and a Refresh button immediately right of the Help button.

Fig. 4.2 Save Project Preferences
Note that the window contains five main tabs:
Project Title, ID and Keywords (opened by default)
Data & Solution Quality Thresholds
Data Processing Defaults
Session Definition
Mark Co-location Definition
These tabs and the preferences contained therein are explained below.
Click the “Save Changes and Close” to save your updated project preferences, as shown in Fig. 4.2. Or click X to abandon changes without saving them.