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Regional Geodetic Advisors

The Regional Geodetic Advisor is a federal employee of NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey (NGS). The Advisor serves as a liaison between NGS and its public, academic and private sector constituents within their assigned region. They provide expert guidance and assistance to these constituents who manage the geodetic component of geospatial activities tied to the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS).

Geodetic advisors serve as subject matter experts in geodesy and regional geodetic issues, collaborating internally across NGS and NOAA to further the organizations’ missions. They are to maintain awareness of current geodetic science and technology developments, updates and improvements to geodetic reference systems, and application to geospatial activities. Recognizing that a Regional Advisor supports an entire region where individual states may have local and unique geodetic needs or priorities, NGS recommends that each state identify someone to serve as a State Geodetic Coordinator.

February 2022:
Regional Geodetic Advisor Webinar
Presenters: Ross Mackay, Regional Geodetic Advisor Chief; Lynda Bell, Southwest Regional Advisor, Jeff Jalbrzikowski, Appalachian Regional Advisor; Dan Martin, Northeast Regional Advisor

March 2017:
NOS All Hands Update From the Field
Presenter: Nic Kinsman, Alaska Regional Advisor

February 2016:
Regional Geodetic Advisor Webinar
Presenters: Ross Mackay, Regional Geodetic Advisor Chief; Bill Stone, Southwest Regional Advisor; Ed Carlson, Pacific Regional Advisor

Regional Geodetic Advisors Map
 Alaska (AK and U.S. Arctic)
Lynda Bell, M.S.
Anchorage, AK
Phone: (240) 988-5919
Lynda Bell
 Central Plains (AR, KS, MO, and TN )
Daniel Determan
St. Louis, MO
Phone: (202) 306-6716
Daniel Determan
  Gulf Coast (LA, MS, AL and FL)
Denis Riordan, PSM
Lake City, FL
Phone: (240) 678-2107
Denis Riordan
  Northeast (NY, NJ, MA, CT, RI, VT, NH, and ME)
Daniel J. Martin (Dan)
Barre, VT
Phone: (240) 676-4762
Daniel J. Martin (Dan)
  Northwest (ID, OR and WA)
Christine Gallagher
Seattle, WA
Phone: (202) 236-6092
Daniel Determan
  Pacific Southwest ( CA and NV)
Dana J. Caccamise II, Ph.D.
La Jolla, CA 92037
Phone: (858) 822-0557
Dana J. Caccamise II
  Southern Plains (OK and TX)
Daniel B. Prouty, Ph.D
Corpus Christi, TX
Phone: (202) 306-4822
Daniel B. Prouty
  Appalachian (KY, OH, PA, and WV)
Jeff Jalbrzikowski, P.S., GISP, CFS
Columbus, OH
Phone: (240) 988-5486
Jeff Jalbrzikowski
 Great Lakes (IL, IN, MI, and WI)
Jacob M. Heck, Ph.D., P.S.
Ann Arbor, MI
Phone: (202) 306-6904
Jacob M. Heck
 Mid-Atlantic (DC, DE, GA, MD, NC, PR, SC, USVI and VA)
Charles Geoghegan
Woodford, VA
Phone: (240) 678-2117
Charles Geoghegan
  Northern Plains (IA, MN, NE, ND and SD)
Dave Zenk, PE, LS
Minneapolis, MN
Phone: (612) 414-9522
 Pacific (AS, CQ, GU and HI)
Edward Carlson
Honolulu, HI
Phone: (808) 725-5255
Edward Carlson
 Rocky Mountain (CO, MT and WY)
Brian Shaw
Boulder, CO
Phone: (240) 988-6363
Brian Shaw
 Southwest ( UT, NM and AZ)
Keith A. Kohl, BSE
Flagstaff, AZ
Phone: (202) 308-5533
Keith A. Kohl

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