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NCN Residual Time Series Comparison Tool (NCN PloTS)

This tool computes and displays the daily residuals for up to 50 stations within the NCN as both individual time series and collectively on an interactive map. The mean, standard deviation, and root-mean-square (RMS) error of the residuals are also provided in a summary table that is available for download. This tool is informational, not authoritative.

The residuals are calculated as the difference between the daily observation at a station and the official daily coordinates for a station. The daily observation is processed from the GPS L1 and L2 signals only, using a network adjustment program. There must be a minimum of 8 hours of data present in a 24 hour file for a solution to be generated. The network adjustment program is an internal application developed by NGS for monitoring the position of the CORS stations in the NCN (Gillins et al., 2019). The official daily coordinates for a station are calculated using the reference epoch (2010.0) position and velocity published as the station coordinate function in the Position and Velocity File. An example of a Position and Velocity File for NCN station GODE can be found here. To obtain Position and Velocity Files for NCN stations please visit the NCN Station Pages and navigate to the Coordinates and Velocities section.

This tool is optimized for plotting 30 to 90 days of data, but can be customized for other time frames. The earliest start date currently available is October 27th 2018, which is the completion date of the MYCS2 and the end date can be as recent as 3 days before the present day. This 3 day time lag is so that the final orbits can be used in the network adjustment to create the daily solutions. Then, please enter the 4 character station ID for at least one and up to 50 CORS stations in the NCN and submit this request in order to obtain a map, summary table of comparative statistics, and residual plots during the date range selected for the CORS stations listed.

We are interested in your feedback. Please email us at: and indicate the subject as "NCN PloTS".