OPUS-Projects Manager's Training

OPUS-Projects Manager's Training

June 25-27, 2024, with an additional optional session on June 27

Via Webinar

Trainer: Dave Zenk,  Northern Plains Regional Geodetic Advisor   

Class dates and times: 

  • Tuesday, June 25: 11:00am - 5:00pm ET
  • Wednesay, June 26: 11:00am - 1:30pm ET
  • Thursday, June 27: 11:00am -1:30pm ET
  • Thursday, June 27: 2:30pm - 5:00pm ET - Optional Session on submitting projects to NGS        

Workshop Outline
  • Introduction
  • Step 1: Creating a Project
  • Step 2: Uploading Data To Your Project
  • Step 3: Session Processing
  • Step 4: Network Adjustment
  • Open Discussion
  • One-on-one
What Is OPUS-Projects?
  • Web-based access to process multiple marks and multiple occupations
  • Direct connection to the National Spatial Reference System through the NOAA CORS Network 
  • Data uploading through OPUS
  • Data processing using the PAGES software
  • Visualization and management aids
  • Least squares adjustment
  • Stream-lined process to publish the results (This process is discussed, but at this time not thoroughly covered, in this training. For more information on publishing your results, please contact your Regional Geodetic Advisor or email ngs.opus.projects@noaa.gov.)
Do We Really Need Another OPUS Flavor?
  • Yes. The NGS and other groups have a history of projects with specifications that can’t be entirely supported by OPUS.
  • Yes, again. As well as OPUS does, sacrificing simplicity for flexibility can improve results in many cases.
What’s In This Workshop?
  • By attending this workshop, you should have enough information to successfully use OPUS-Projects for your own projects. Once the training is completed, you’ll be given an opportunity to register your email address thereby authorizing you to create and process new OPUS-Projects.
  • A project containing a training data set will be assigned to you. You’ll have an opportunity to work along with the presentations. In addition, time is allotted for you to explore your project individually.