News Item

Thursday, January 26, 2012

CORS Provides More than $1 Billion in Direct Benefits in FY2011

The National Geodetic Survey's Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) program provided more than $1 billion in direct benefits in FY2011. These benefits represent a 29 percent increase over those for FY2010. Direct economic benefits are computed by tallying the number of times users process their GPS-based survey data via various NOAA data products. These products provide a range of economic benefits of $30 to $1,000 per data product. The increase in popularity of NOAA products is responsible for this growth in economic value and demonstrates the applicability of NOAA products to the surveying and mapping communities. CORS direct benefits have grown at an average rate of 20 percent per year since FY2003. For more information, contact Joe Evjen.

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