News Item

Monday, October 18, 2010

NGS Hosts North American Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters

During the week of October 18, the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) hosted the North American Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters at the NGS Table Mountain Geophysical Observatory (TMGO) in Longmont, Colorado. Other U.S. federal agencies, as well as government agencies from Canada participated. Regular comparisons between the few absolute gravimeters in the world are necessary to validate the achievable accuracy of each meter relative to the group mean. This information can be used in standardizing gravity surveys internationally. A report of the comparative offsets of all absolute gravimeters operating in North America will be presented both online and to the International Association of Geodesy. NGS intends to use absolute gravity measurements to help monitor long-term change to the new vertical datum as part of its Gravity for the Redefinition of the American Vertical Datum (GRAV-D) Project. NGS has invested significant time and money into transforming the TMGO into a world-class gravity observatory, elevating NGS' status in the international absolute gravimeter community. For more information, contact Dru Smith.

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