News Item

Thursday, June 30, 2011

NGS Rolls Out the Latest Work to International Community (NGS)

This week, National Geodetic Service (NGS) representatives rolled out the latest work on the Gravity for the Redefinition of the American Vertical Datum (GRAV-D) Project to the international community at the 25th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) quadrennial meeting in Melbourne, Australia. GRAV-D is an ambitious effort to move towards a unified height reference system for all of North America. In addition to making announcements about GRAV-D, NGS also engaged in meetings to discuss international efforts to adopt a world height system. This quadrennial meeting brings together eight of the largest professional organizations in the earth sciences for two weeks to discuss the latest research in a variety of fields. For more information, contact Dru Smith.

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