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NGS Posts Imagery of Areas Affected by Hurricane Michael

October 15, 2018

NGS collected, processed, and posted on its website aerial imagery of areas affected by Hurricane Michael. Imagery was processed and posted online within approximately four hours of the flights, and may be viewed online via the NGS aerial imagery viewer. NGS began response efforts on October 11, one day after landfall. NOAA's King Air aircraft, operating from Mobile, AL, collected 9,580 images covering 10,756 square kilometers of the most heavily affected areas.

The imagery assessed coastal impacts to navigation and identified landing zones for helicopters to deliver supplies to areas cut off by the storm. NGS thanks the NOAA Gulf of Mexico Disaster Response Center in Mobile and its staff for assistance in staging operations and uploading imagery. The U.S. Coast Guard incident command post also used the imagery to coordinate response efforts. Data is available covering inland areas between Florida's State Road 20 and Interstate 10; areas north of I-10 and west of Lake Seminole; coastal areas west of Panama City; and inland areas near Apalachicola.

For more information, contact: Mike Aslaksen