Friday, November 16, 2018

NGS Briefs the National Academies on Precise Positioning Infrastructure

NGS briefed the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) on its program activities as part of a new NASEM study on geodetic infrastructure. The study, titled "Evolving the Geodetic Infrastructure to Meet New Scientific Needs," addresses improvements to the national infrastructure that will be necessary to foster precise positioning and navigation applications, particularly GPS. NGS and other federal agencies whose missions support geodetic infrastructure briefed a panel of experts and NASEM staff on related past and planned future program activities.The study's fact-finding segment will end in 2019, and the report is slated for publication in 2020. Independent studies from NASEM and the National Research Council provide valuable expert feedback about the needs of the nation and are widely viewed as the best available nonpartisan advice.

For more information, contact: Theresa Damiani