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NGS Represents United States at 2019 SIRGAS Symposium in Brazil

Friday, December 6, 2019

NGS participated in and represented the United States at the 2019 Sistema de Referencia Geocentrico para las Americas Symposium (SIRGAS) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. NGS's Pacific Southwest Regional Geodetic Advisor and U.S. representative to SIRGAS presented "U.S. Country Briefing: Modernization of the United States National Spatial Reference System. NGS's Chief Geodesist discussed "Interactions between UN-GGIM-Americas and SIRGAS. SIRGAS is the positioning reference system for Latin America, providing longitude, latitude, and vertical heights. Through interagency collaborations, the SIRGAS symposium helps to align scientific, political, and civil needs for endeavors founded on geospatial science that observe and measure physical changes in the Earth. Scientists, students, and representatives from 23 countries were present to discuss current issues and share ideas and solutions at this year's symposium.

For more information, contact: Dana.Caccamise