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NGS Conducts First Virtual All Hands Convocation

Friday, April 10, 2020

For the first time, NGS conducted its annual All Hands Convocation Meeting completely online. Approximately 180 federal employees and affiliates convened to engage in a two-day web conference and exchange information on the progress of the modernization of the National Spatial Reference System, strategic and logistical challenges to achieving NGS mission-critical projects, the long-term human resource vision for NGS, and staff responses to the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. On the first day of the convocation, NOS Acting Assistant Administrator Nicole LeBoeuf joined the meeting to speak about resilience during difficult times. Though it was a shortened version of the in-person planned annual meeting for all NGS employees and contractors, the virtual convocation communicated urgent, high-priority messages to the entire NSG staff.

For more information, contact: Erika Little