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NGS Releases More Accurate 2019 Models

Friday September 27, 2019

NGS released its annual experimental geoid models, known as xGEOID19. The new models contain airborne gravity data from the Gravity for the Redefinition of the American Vertical Datum project, data from the latest satellite gravity models, and other sources. xGEOIDs provide preliminary but increasingly accurate views of the height changes expected from the scheduled 2022 release of a new vertical reference system for the United States. This year, NGS is releasing models that have time-dependent components and reflect changes to the geoid over space and time. Monitoring changes over time are needed to ensure mapping products always have accurate information. A more accurate model of North America with time-dependent components will benefit everyone who uses maps or GPS, and will be especially helpful to those communities developing topography and floodplain maps.

For more information, contact: Yan Wang