NOAA CORS Network (NCN) Stakeholder Meeting

November 17, 2021  |  2:30-4:00 pm, Eastern Time

Presenters: Theresa Damiani, Phillip McFarland
Panelists: John Galetzka, Will Freeman

Content Rating: Intermediate*
Type: Special Edition
Target Audience: CORS Data Providers and Users
Certificate of Attendance: No

To accommodate planned changes associated with modernization of the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS), the CORS team is reexamining requirements of the NCN and CORS program. During this webinar, the presenters will give a brief (~20 min) description of: 1.) the current services provided by the NCN and CORS Program, and 2.) an update on planning efforts to update the NCN and CORS Program in order to meet the needs of the modernized NSRS. The presentation will be followed by ~60 minutes of discussion allowing stakeholders to ask questions and provide input. Specifically, we want to understand NCN partner and user requirements so they can be accounted for in the planning efforts. 

Data providers (station operators) and data users - along with other stakeholders - are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting to discuss efforts underway to improve and modernize the NCN. In the future, NGS plans to hold recurring stakeholder meetings during which NGS will share updates about the program, and hear feedback from our stakeholders. 

If you would like to submit any questions beforehand, please email those to, with the subject line, “CORS Stakeholder meeting.”

*Technical Content Rating: Intermediate - Prior knowledge of this topic is helpful.