OPUS User Forum: Working with Real-Time Kinematic Data in OPUS-Projects 5

March 29, 2022 | 2-3:30 pm, Eastern Standard Time

Presenter: Dan Gillins, Ph.D., P.L.S., OPUS Team Lead
Panelists: Jeff Jalbrzikowski, Appalachian Region Geodetic Advisor, Kevin Jordan, NGS Field Operations Branch

Content Rating: Advanced*
Type: Special Edition
Target Audience: OPUS Users
Certificate of Attendance: Yes

NGS is now providing tools that support the use of real-time kinematic (RTK) data in control survey projects. NGS has released Beta OPUS Projects 5 where users can upload RTK vectors in a newly defined standard file exchange format called GVX. A demonstration will be given on how to set up an RTK rover, export the data to GVX format, and upload the GVX file to OPUS Projects 5 for inclusion in a survey network for least squares adjustment. Additional discussion will be given on the recommended RTK field practices, how to prepare an RTK survey on bench marks for publication at NGS, and how to use quality control and adjustment tools inside of OPUS Projects 5. 

The remainder of the time will be open for a question and answer period on any OPUS topic. If you would like to submit a question(s) beforehand, please email it to ngs.training@noaa.gov, with the subject line, “OPUS User Forum”.

View the most recent webinar on this topic to learn more: OPUS-Projects for RTK/RTN Vectors

*Technical Content Rating: Advanced - A strong knowledge of this topic is advised.