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NGS Digital Photo Requirements

Photos are required when submitting a geodetic survey project to NGS to verify the marks observed. In addition, photos provide important metadata (e.g. mark type, logo, stamping, setting date), assist in mark recovery (showing what the site looks like) and also help determine the condition of the mark over time.

Note: This document does not intend to supersede any contract requirements. Photos are submitted with the understanding that they will be made publicly available. NGS reserves the right to not publish photos that do not meet the needs of the geodetic database.

  • ≤ 1024 x 768 pixels
  • Photo should open in a heads-up view
  • JPG format is preferred
  • Photos should look professional. 
  • No Personally Identifiable Information (PII) visible 
  • No objectionable content 
  • No corporate endorsements

Each mark should have a minimum of three photos. The types of photos depend on whether the mark is a passive mark (disk, rod, etc.) or an active station (i.e. cGNSS). The submitted photos must follow the naming convention described in Question 6, File Names.

NGS reserves the right to edit submitted photos to ensure they meet the requirements.

CLOSE-UP: A photo taken directly above the survey mark, approximately 18 inches away from the disk. Remove any equipment, dirt, debris, water, or snow to show a clear image of the complete mark. Avoid shadow lines crossing the disk. If there is a logo cap, the logo cap should be open to show the datum point. The intent of this photo is to clearly show the mark, its condition, and all stamping on the mark or logo cap so that it is clearly legible.

sample photo of a close up photo of a survey mark

EYE-LEVEL: A photo taken directly above the survey mark from eye level to show the monument and cover an area about 1 meter in diameter, all around the mark. Remove any equipment, dirt, debris, water, or snow from the mark to clearly show the disk and the setting. If it has a logo cap, the photo can be taken either with the cap open or closed. The intent of this photo is to show the general condition of the mark and the immediate surrounding area, especially any condition that would be a threat to the stability or permanency of the mark. 

sample photo of a eye level photo of a survey mark

HORIZONTAL: A daylight photo oriented horizontally, with the tripod or a target highlighting the mark location, and with reference objects, significant obstructions, or possible multi-path sources in view. Remember to record the direction the photographer is facing. In the example below, the photographer is standing southwest of the mark and is facing northeast. The photo is therefore labeled “3NE” to indicate that the photo is oriented to the northeast:

sample photo of a daylight photo oriented horizontally of a survey mark location

If your project contains observations from a Non-NCN CORS station and you are the owner or manager of the station, the recommended three photos are described below: 

ANTENNA: A close-up of the station antenna where the serial number of the antenna is readable. If the photo can also include a part number or other identification of the antenna type that would be ideal but the serial number is the preferred information. Photos that are too dark or blurry to be readable will not be loaded.

sample photo close-up of the station antenna where the serial number of the antenna is readable

ANTENNA ON MOUNT: A closeup photo clearly showing how the antenna is fixed onto the antenna mount, with any adapters. spacers, or plumbing devices present in the photo.

sample photo close-up of the station receiver

HORIZONTAL: A daylight photo of the antenna oriented horizontally, with reference objects, significant obstructions, or possible multi-path sources in view. Remember to record the direction the photo is facing. In the example photo below, the photographer is standing to the EAST of the antenna and facing WEST, so this photo is labeled 3W.  

 sample daylight photo of the antenna oriented horizontally, with reference objects, significant obstructions, or possible multi-path sources in view

Provide each photo as an individual digital file, using the file name to identify the content. The general format for file names is PID-DESIGNATION-TYPE-DATE.jpg 

PID is the NGS ID for the mark, if any, e.g., AB1234. For new marks without PIDs, leave this blank and begin the file name with the designation. 

DESIGNATION is the official name for the mark, up to 25 characters. Any spaces in the designation name are identified by the underscore character (“_”) 

TYPE For Passive Marks, use -1 for close-up, -2 for eye-level, and -3DIR for horizontal photos, with DIR indicating the direction the photo is facing, e.g., 3ENE for east-northeastward-looking. For Active Marks, use -1 for antenna serial number, -2 for receiver serial number, and -3DIR for horizontal photos. Horizontal photos use the same directions designation as for Passive Marks. 

DATE is the date photographed, in YYYYMMDD format. 

Use dashes "-" to separate the above fields. Spaces are not permitted in the file name. Use an underscore "_" in lieu of spaces (or dashes) within fields. These separators are required to minimize UNIX file handling issues.  

Examples of photos taken on 31 January 2006:

Existing Marks (with PID)  
'AB1234 RM 2, AB1234, 1, 20060131.jpg' is a close-up photo of NGS mark AB1234
'AB1234-SMITH_RM_2-2-20060131.jpg' is an eye-level photo
'AB1234-SMITH_RM_2-3N-20060131.jpg' is a horizon photo looking north
'AB1234-SMITH_RM_2-3SW-20060131.jpg' is a horizon photo looking southwest
'AB1234-SMITH_RM_2-3ENE-20060131.jpg' is a horizon photo looking east-northeast

New Marks (no PID)  
'SMITH_AZ_MK-1-20060131.jpg' is a close-up of new mark "SMITH AZ MK"
'SMITH_AZ_MK-2-20060131.jpg' is an eye-level photo
'SMITH_AZ_MK-3NE-20060131.jpg' is a horizon photo looking north
'SMITH_AZ_MK-3NE-20060131.jpg' is a horizon photo looking northeast
'SMITH_AZ_MK-3WSW-20060131.jpg' is a horizon photo looking west-southwest

Captioning is optional, but if done, must conform to the following convention. Note that the PID is after the designation, spaces are used instead of underscores and commas are used to separate the data items instead of dashes.

Examples of photos taken on 31 January 2006:

Existing Marks (with PID)  
'SMITH RM 2, AB1234, 1, 20060131' is a close-up photo of NGS mark AB1234
'SMITH RM 2, AB1234, 2, 20060131' is an eye-level photo
'SMITH RM 2, AB1234, 3N, 20060131' is a horizon photo looking north
'SMITH RM 2, AB1234, 3SW, 20060131' is a horizon photo looking southwest
'SMITH RM 2, AB1234, 3ENE, 20060131' is a horizon photo looking east-northeast

New Marks (no PID)  
'SMITH AZ MK, 1, 20060131' is a close-up of new mark "SMITH AZ MK"
'SMITH AZ MK, 2, 20060131' is an eye-level photo
'SMITH AZ MK, 3N, 20060131' is a horizon photo looking north
'SMITH AZ MK, 3NE, 20060131' is a horizon photo looking northeast
'SMITH AZ MK, 3WSW, 20060131' is a horizon photo looking west-southwest

To place or replace a caption using WinDesc or DSWorld while in the photo editor, click 'EDIT>LABEL>STANDARD' from the main menu or press 'CTRL L'.

Press 'CTRL S' to save the changes and exit.