OPUS Projects provides simple management
and processing tools for your survey projects involving multiple sites and
multiple occupations. Advantages include:
- Customizable data processing via the PAGES software suite
- Visualization and management aids
- Adjustments tied to the National Spatial Reference System
If you're interested in submitting your project's results for publication in
the NGS Integrated Database (IDB) and have not done so, please visit the
NGS Survey Project Proposal web site to
request a required project tracking number. In addition, for publication all survey marks must be described by creating description files in NGS software
Highlighted Bug Fixes
- Ortho Height Code incorrect for "leveling not pub"
- issue regarding MT units on Mark Page
- Updated links to new OP user guide
- issue with automated session reprocessing after loading description file
- Session rename issue
- wrong bluebook code in certain cases
- B-file 25-record issue in certain cases with multiple GVX files
Workflow Recommendations:
- For projects you plan to submit to NGS, upload the description files prior to doing session processing.
- Clear your browser cache first, if your project existed in BETA or before v5.1 upgrade
OPUS-Projects map names and boundaries are not authoritative