2021 NSRS Modernization Industry Workshop Agenda

Thursday, May 6, 2021   |  1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Eastern Time

12:45 - 1:00

Join Early: Pre-event Opening Activities

1:00 - 1:20

Welcome and Introductions

Attendee Introductions  (1 MB)

Similar to the 2018 event, attendees will include: 

  • Surveying and GIS software developers; 
  • Land surveying/GPS/remote sensing equipment manufacturers; and 
  • NGS subject matter experts.

1:20 - 2:45

Data Format Presentations and Discussion

Data formats that NGS will accept from customers (0.64 MB)

In the future, NGS will only accept standard file formats for survey data. Discussion will include the development status of the standard formats and the need for format converters for the variety of proprietary file formats in use today. Formats to be discussed include: 

  • GVX for GNSS vectors 
  • CVX for classical data, that is, angles and distances 
  • RGX for relative gravity data 
  • LVX for leveling data 
  • RINEX3 for raw GNSS data

Data formats that NGS will provide to customers  (3.37 MB)

NGS is considering new formats and methods for delivering data to customers. For example: 

  • JSON for datasheets 
  • GeoTIFF for grid files 
  • Amazon Web Services 
    • Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) data 
    • Emergency Response Imagery 
  • NOAA Geoplatform - ArcGIS Online
2:45 - 3:00


3:00 - 4:45

NGS and Industry Coordination

Sharing and Maintaining NGS software in third party applications  (1 MB)

NGS is seeking to facilitate the incorporation and maintenance of NGS' authoritative models and tools into commercially available software. For example: 

  • NGS Coordinate Conversion and Transformation Tool (NCAT) 
  • Other Geodetic Toolkit software 

Facilitating crowd-sourced data collection for the modernized NSRS 

The modernized NSRS will be realized on passive control through survey data that is submitted to NGS, so we want submitting data to be as easy as possible. Discussion to focus on the potential for third party applications to support users in submitting data to NGS through the Online Positioning User Service (OPUS) suite of tools. 


Future engagement between NGS and industry  (0.19 MB)

Collaboration between NGS and industry will be necessary to ensure our respective stakeholders and customers can seamlessly transition to and begin to reap the benefits of the modernized NSRS. Attendees will discuss how to best continue engagement over the coming years.

4:45 - 5:00

Wrap up and Next Steps