Industry Engagement

During discussions at Geospatial Summits held in 2010, 2015 and 2017, our stakeholders expressed that collaboration between NGS and industry will be necessary to successfully modernize the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). This engagement is critical because many end-users access and work with the NSRS in commercially available software packages. This page contains links to the presentations and resulting documents from the series of workshops NGS has held with industry partners since 2018. Due to the fact that many geospatial software development companies work around the globe, and because the new North American Terrestrial Reference Frame will be adopted by both the US and Canada, in 2022 NGS joined forces with our Canadian counterparts and these workshops were rebranded as the Binational Geospatial Software Developers Summits.


2022 Binational Geospatial Software Developers Summit

On November 30 - December 1, 2022, NGS and Canadian Geodetic Survey (CGS) worked together to host a binational geospatial software developers summit on the implementation of the Modernized National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) and the Canadian Spatial Reference System (CSRS).

2022 Workshop Agenda  

2022 Workshop Summary 

2021 NSRS Modernization Industry Workshop

On May 6, 2021, NGS hosted a small invitation-only workshop to continue coordination between commercial equipment/software representatives and NGS regarding NSRS Modernization.

2021 Workshop Agenda  

2021 Workshop Summary 


2018 NSRS Modernization Industry Workshop

On May 7-8, 2018, NGS hosted a small industry workshop with commercial equipment and software representatives to discuss their needs and concerns regarding NSRS modernization.

2018 Workshop Agenda  

2018 Workshop Notes  

2018 Workshop Feedback  

2018 Workshop Presentations