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NSRS Modernization Timeline

In 2007, NGS began planning for the modernized NSRS, acquiring its first airborne gravimeter, creating and initiating the Gravity for the Redefinition of the American Vertical Datum (GRAV-D) project and by 2008 had codified its modernization plans into a Ten Year Plan. Since then, NGS has completed the airborne gravity collection and the geoid that was derived from that data is nearly complete.

As part of a Federal Register Notice in October 2024, NGS released the following key details for the transition to the new datums in the modernized NSRS to help users and interested parties prepare for the coming change:

  1. NGS will roll out components of the modernized NSRS over time (2024 - 2026). As each component is released on the site, it can be publicly tested with feedback provided to NGS. The testing will continue for at least 6 months after the final component is released on

  2. While the modernized NSRS is being rolled out and tested, the current NSRS will remain the official NSRS of the United States. The website will only hold the official NSRS – currently NAD 83, NAVD 88, etc. Only one major improvement to the current NSRS is expected during this time: the International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2020 (ITRF2020) will be integrated into all products and services. This is expected to happen in late 2024 or early 2025.

  3. Once enough testing is done, and all modernized NSRS components seem stable and correct, the Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee (FGCS) will be asked to vote to approve the modernized NSRS and new datums (likely in early to mid 2026). If affirmative, a Federal Register Notice will be released and NGS will begin a several-month process of transitioning all modernized NSRS components to the official website at During this transition, the Beta Products website may be wiped of submitted data and no further submissions to the NGS Integrated Data Base (IDB) (the repository for the current NSRS) will be accepted.

To get the latest news on NSRS modernization and track our progress, subscribe to NGS News or visit our "New Datums" web pages.

Further details, and more answers are available on this FAQ.