Read publications and watch webinars that describe technical decisions about the definition of the new reference frames.
Publication outlines technical and policy decisions about replacing NAD 83.
Watch Webinar discussing Blueprint Part 1 (7/13/2017)
Publication discusses the planned replacement of all vertical datums of the NSRS.
Watch Webinar discussing Blueprint Part 2 (2/1/2018)
Publication addresses how geospatial professionals can expect to work within the newly-modernized NSRS when NAD 83 and NAVD 88 are replaced.
Watch Webinar discussing Blueprint Part 3 (3/11/2021)
Four new terrestrial reference frames and a geopotential datum will replace the many disparate pieces of the current NSRS (including NAD 83 and NAVD 88). Watch a February 2024 webinar with Dr. Dru Smith, NSRS Modernization Manager at NGS, to hear the latest updates and schedule for the modernized NSRS.